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     Access to justice for all in free will and without borders            Our priority is to carry out justice in the shortest possible time            Where justice is achieved, prosperity is enforced            Access to justice for all is the first duty society            Access to justice exists when it can be afforded for all      
Numbers and Statistics  


 Numbers and Statistics:

Courts in Palestine consist of Supreme Court, Courts of Appeal, Court of First Instance and Magistrate Court. There are 34 courts in West Bank and Gaza categorized as follows:


Magistrate Courts:

(13) Magistrate Courts in West Bank

(6) Magistrate Courts in Gaza


First Instance Courts:

(8) First Instance Courts in West Bank

(3) First Instance Courts in Gaza



Courts of Appeal:

Courts of Appeal in Jerusalem

Courts of Appeal in Ramallah

Courts of Appeal in Gaza


Supreme Court:

Comprised of High Court of Justice and Cassation Court


In addition, there are:

  • Corruption Crimes Court

  • Two Courts of Appeal for Income Tax: one in West Bank and another in Gaza

  • First Instance Court for Customs

  • Courts of Appeal for Customs